Preventing Dust Buildup on the HVAC System & Why Is It Important
Why settle for unsatisfied cleaning and maintenance services
when you can prevent the problem to arise in the first place?

How to know if it is time to upgrade your HVAC system or not
If you have had your HVAC system for a while now, it has most likely been showing signs of wear,
which indicate that it quickly needs to be replaced. Here are some useful tips
to help you judge why your HVAC
system should be replaced and when would be the best time to do it.
Why should I replace my HVAC system?
Although HVAC systems are built to last for several years, there
comes a time when the cost of maintaining
the system and its associated running costs are just not worth paying for. Moreover,
you can upgrade to a better HVAC
system that can fulfill all of your heating and cooling needs as
well as increasing the efficiency at which this is done.
One of the main attributes of an HVAC system is its SEER rating. A higher SEER rating signifies how efficient
the system is at handling the heating
and cooling needs of your home. This is why, many Trane systems with decent
SEER ratings, like the Trane 14 SEER system or
the Trane
16 SEER system are popular. They are able to efficiently cool your home
and keep your energy bills low.
With the passage of time, regardless of how efficient your machine
was, the wear and tear over the years will take its toll, and the system will
not be as efficient as it was. Therefore, the feasibility of maintaining it and
expending more costs on keeping the older system running needs to be compared
with the benefits of owning a newer and more improved central ac unit , as modern air conditioning units come with
additional features.
How will I know it is time for me to replace
my older HVAC system?
There are several telltale signs, which make it obvious if it is
time for an AC replacement. We will be exploring them in detail.
Age is a major decider if your HVAC system needs to be replaced. An HVAC system is designed to last for a very long time, however, its
operational efficiency quickly starts to fall, and as soon as the machine is a
decade old, you can expect it to perform poorly. Moreover, the cost of
maintaining it will increase as time passes, which greatly decreases the
feasibility of repairs. Therefore, as an HVAC system gets old, the need to replace it increases rapidly.
How is the SEER rating of my HVAC system
SEER rating of the system is important. During the operational lifetime of your
current central
ac unit , HVAC
companies will be making leaps and bounds in terms of air
conditioning technology. Therefore, onceyou have used your current system for almost a decade, you can
expect to find that a much better system is available on the market, which is
far more efficient than your current one. After all, a modern Trane 16 SEER system is
quite a lot more efficient than an outdated 10 SEER system.
Who do AC repair & maintenance bills
become a burden?
If the repair bill handed to you by the air conditioning service workers are
comparable to the price of a new HVAC
system, it is time for AC
Replacement. As the HVAC ages, the cost of maintaining it does as well. With
time, simple air duct cleaning activities will not suffice, and
you will have to frequently pay for air duct replacement. Moreover, your central air conditioner will become poorer at filtration
and circulate low-quality air through
your home, which will make it more susceptible to dirt and mold contamination.
From there, molds
in duct will increase rapidly and further increase the bill you have to
pay. Eventually, you will have to pay hefty sums for mold removal in addition to the standard air duct
cleaning procedures. Eventually, air duct replacement will no longer cut it and AC
maintenance & repair will not be a feasible choice for your current HVAC system. In
short, it’s time to get a new one.
If your central
air conditioner needs
frequent maintenance rounds, it’s a sign that it is nearing the end of its life
cycle and needs AC
Replacement as soon as possible. Pouring hundreds of dollars into the
maintenance of an old AC system is not worth it given the fact that you can
easily purchase a newer model with a warranty.
What are the benefits of an AC replacement?
Several benefits come out of an AC Replacement. For starters, you will have
lower heating and cooling costs as a direct effect of owning a more
energy efficient machine. Moreover, modern HVAC systems come with smarter
thermostats, which aid the HVAC
system in keeping the air in your home pristine at a lower energy
cost. In addition to this, modern air conditioning units are better
at keeping the air circulating through your home evenly cool or warm, and also
healthier as they have improved capabilities of filtering the air.
Finally, one of the most important benefits of upgrading your central
ac unit, more durability and ease of maintenance. Modern systems are built more
robustly. Moreover, maintaining these systems is much easier as well, as you
can easily perform individual cleaning processes on each of the air conditioning units.
To conclude, air conditioning
repair is an important part of an
HVAC system’s life cycle, however, it will eventually have to be replaced once AC
maintenance becomes unfeasible. With the development of advanced air conditioning units, your old central ac unit quickly
becomes obsolete and more of a burden to carry around once you factor in the
energy bills. Therefore, whether you have an older Trane
HVAC or Carrier system, replace it as soon as possible,
because a new HVAC
is much cheaper than maintaining an old one.
What is a SEER rating and why is it important when buying a new HVAC system?
Whenever you embark on your search for the right HVAC system for your home, you will be met with a multitude of options to
choose from. Various factors, ranging from aesthetics to build quality will
help you reach a decision on which HVAC system is the best for your home. However, one of the most important
decision factors will be the efficiency of the system. This is where the
importance of a high SEER rating becomes prominent, as a system with a high
SEER rating, is bound to be efficient.
What is a SEER rating?
SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. It is often
regarded as the best seal of approval that a system is efficient. Therefore, HVAC companies strive towards high efficiency in
order to obtain high-level SEER
How is the SEER rating calculated?
The SEER rating is calculated by dividing the cooling output of
your air conditioner over the season and then dividing that number by the
energy it comes in watts per hour. This serves as an accurate measurement for
determining how well an HVAC
system will perform in your home.
A typical air conditioner will be rated at around 13 SEER or 14
SEER. Better ones will be rated at a higher 16 or 17. Finally, the best of the
bunch, however, reach upwards of 25 SEER.
These systems are quite efficient and are viable options as the heating and cooling
for your home.
Some interesting facts about SEER ratings
Determining the optimal cooling output for an air conditioner
requires setting a standard that is consistent across the board. Usually, HVAC
systems are tested against an outdoor temperature of 82 degrees and an indoor
temperature of 80 degrees.
The relation between numbers is
just as they seem. That is the higher the
SEER efficiency rating of a system, the more efficient it is. Although the
relationship is not directly proportional, you can expect that a system rated
as 16 SEER is almost 60% more efficient than a system rated as SEER 10.
Trane HVAC seer ratings
Plenty of Trane HVAC systems resides in the normal rating range, like the Trane 14 SEER systems and
the Trane
16 SEER systems. Some Trane systems take it a step further with ratings
as high as 17 SEER. Similarly, you can expect about the same from normal Carrier system. Therefore, once you start
searching around in the market, you will see that your options are quite large.
You should keep in mind however, there are set minimum SEER ratings for an HVAC system that you can set up in your
The importance of AC maintenance & repair and its relationship with an
HVAC system’s SEER rating
system is only as strong as the maintenance effort expended on it.
Therefore, one of the main responsibilities you will inherit as the owner of a
high SEER rated machine is the fact that
it has to be kept as clean as possible.
No matter how efficient your HVAC system is, it will all be in vain if you do not put forth enough effort
to keep it clean and operational. Over time, due to the dust and grime pulled
in by the HVAC
system from the outside air, you will quickly find out that your HVAC system is not performing as efficiently as you remember it being when
you first purchased it. Moreover, its heating and cooling
have been quietly deteriorating as well.
When you are faced with these dilemmas, it is time for you to get
serious about cleaning your HVAC
system, namely, the air ducts. Hiring any kind AC
maintenance & repair will get you hooked up with the right air duct cleaning. In addition to cleaning the air ducts, consider cleaning each of
your individual air
conditioning units as well.
Although they may seem like too much of an effort at first, once
your system has been operating for a while, and the air ducts becoming clogged
from all the dust, airflow will be greatly restricted. Your home will not be
efficiently cooled and you will be losing a lot of money on extraneous energy
bills. Therefore, instead of paying unnecessary extra bills, you can just pay a
simple air duct cleaning
cost that
will quickly restore your system to its original efficiency.
The Effects of molds on your HVAC system and its efficiency
HVAC systems serve as the primary place for molds and other
microorganisms to breed in and spread out. From there, mold spores end up in
the air circulating through your home, silently increasing respiratory problems
in your family. When left out of control, these problems quickly escalate in
severity. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that a central ac unit is carefully
monitored and properly maintained. The steps taken against molds are small in
number but extremely effective.
When you end up with molds in duct, you must hire certain AC
maintenance services to come and clean up the mess. Although you can handle
most of the exterior cleaning if you end up with mold around your air vents or
filters, once there are molds
in duct, you will need professional help to come to do some air duct
If the services you hire suggest that you need air duct replacement, you must try to verify whether
their claims are true or not. This will help keep you from expending
unnecessary expenses and keep the air duct cleaning cost low.
Regardless if you own a Carrier system or a Trane system, keeping it
clean is necessary if you want to preserve its original SEER rating, and keep
it performing efficiently in order to keep your energy bills fairly low. Therefore,
hire AC
maintenance often, so that you do not have to end up spending a lot of money
on AC Replacement.